

1. su -

2. yast2 -i mysql mysql-client

3. chkconfig –f --add mysql (没有-f会出错)

4. /etc/init.d/mysql start

5. mysql_secure_installation

6. yast2 -i apache2

7. chkconfig --add apache2

8. /etc/init.d/apache2 start (index在/srv/www/htdocs/下)

9. yast2 -i apache2-mod_php5

10. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

11. vi /srv/www/htdocs/info.php (http://localhost/info.php)

<?php phpinfo(); ?>


12. yast2 -i php5-mysql php5-bcmath php5-bz2 php5-calendar php5-ctype php5-curl php5-dom php5-ftp php5-gd php5-gettext php5-gmp php5-iconv php5-imap php5-ldap php5-mbstring php5-mcrypt php5-odbc php5-openssl php5-pcntl php5-pgsql php5-posix php5-shmop php5-snmp php5-soap php5-sockets php5-sqlite php5-sysvsem php5-tokenizer php5-wddx php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-zlib php5-exif php5-fastcgi php5-pear php5-sysvmsg php5-sysvshm

13. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

14. cd /srv/www/htdocs

15. wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/files%2FphpMyAdmin%2F3.4.3.2%2FphpMyAdmin-

16. tar xvfz phpMyAdmin-

17. mv phpMyAdmin- phpmyadmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)




Write permissions on files and folders:








Write permissions on folders and subfolders/recursively:










CHMOD 755 -R install

CHMOD 755 -R js

CHMOD 755 -R classes

find *.php -exec chmod 644 {} \;

find *.txt -exec chmod 644 {} \;

find *.css -exec chmod 644 {} \;

644 permission to all other directories and sub-directories and files.